YES!+ Nepal

Keeps you on, all the way, to rock your day, to rock your life....and gives you the cutest smile :) :) :) :) its the magic of YES!+.......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Youth Empowerment Seminar Plus .................. ( Age 18-35).................

YES!+ is an innovative and dynamic educational and life skills program that provides young students and professionals the tools to achieve their ideal life with ease, creativity, energy, and inhibition-free.The growing demands placed on an individual to be successful in our fast-paced, stressful global society make it even more necessary for college students to have the tools they need to make responsible life decisions with confidence and clarity, more joy and enthusiasm while developing a broader vision along with cultivating leadership potential.
The YES!+ course for college students both challenges and empowers students to become more centered and focused, to manage negative emotions and to live life more fully in the present moment, with increased awareness, perception and expression.The techniques and processes taught during the seminar make the student experience much more enriching and full. The tools and experiences gained are essential for any future work environment. Graduates of the seminar report improved focus and concentration, increased confidence, enhanced creativity and efficiency throughout the day as well as improved interpersonal relationships and a sense of naturalness in life.

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